
09 June 2011

so proud of myself

I am so proud of myself this week; I have officially quit caffeine and even went to swim alone at my neighbourhood public swimming pool.  It has been 15 years since I step in to a swimming pool to swim, last time I had problem in swimming 5 laps but yesterday I had swam 13 laps! Incredible! I am also shocked with myself.  I told myself, I will continue to do so and possible will swim every alternate day.  I really hope I can really make it, as I realised swimming really help me to relieve my tension.

To me, quitting caffeine was the toughest, it is even harder if I will to compare with quit smoking. I was having headache and migraine for days; it was only subsided after I visited my Chinese sensei.  You may be thinking why I want to quit caffeine, I decided to do so if after I read this article: This is only reflecting infertility but there is one more article referring to fallopian tubes which really scare me off.  

I had 2 ectopic pregnancies, so I really need to take good care of myself. Whatever I need to prevent or quit I am doing so, now all I have to do is to pray. Whatever I need to prevent, I had done my preparation so this Saturday I am so going to Bugis Buddha’s template to pray and get answer.

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